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September 11, 2012

 Members Present:   Valerie Taylor, Mike Savino, Denise Morano
 Members Absent:  Nancy Rocheleau
 Guest:  Larry Greene

  • The minutes from the May 8, 2012 meeting were accepted as written
  • The minutes from the June 12, 2012 meeting were accepted as written.
Where do we go from here?
  • Valerie asked if it would be possible to include a skateboard park with the Mountview School building project.  Denise said that the question needs to be asked of the Mountview School building committee, to see if there is any possibility of piggybacking a skate park in with the potential building of a new school.  It would be most advantageous to get kids involved and get them to attend and ask this question.  Without the strength of kids behind a skate park, the skate park will not happen.
  • Mike is going to contact Who Skates to see what kind of park can be done for $20,000.
  • Denise is going to ask the town accountant about any remaining funds in the skatepark account, and if the funds are available.

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Next meeting:  October 9, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. in the Selectman’s Room.